…and this helps men’s sex life immeasurably
—-Important Message—-
90 second “exercise” destroys sludged blood — naturally lowers pressure

On the left picture below, you’ll see what is called sludged blood:
With sludged blood, the blood cells are clumped together.
And the result is blood that is thicker than it should be. Blood that doesn’t flow as freely through the arteries.
Whereas on the right, you see healthy blood, where the cells are now more evenly distributed.
The blood is now thinner, and healthier, and it flows more easily through the tiny capillaries found all throughout the human body.

And in fact, it’s this sludged blood that leads to blood pressure problems in men.
Sludged blood doesn’t flow as freely as the thin blood, which makes the heart have to work harder to get blood throughout the body.
Luckily, a simple “exercise” that only takes 90 seconds turns sludged blood into healthy blood again…
…so it can flow freely into every nook and cranny in your body — especially the male member…
…creating big, engorged “rocky ones” for men again.
Use this “exercise” to lower blood pressure by 10+ points
Inspiratory muscle strength training was developed to help people get off ventilators after serious health complications.
It is a repetitive breathing exercise that is intended to strengthen the muscles we use to inhale.
By working out these muscles a few minutes a day, people can train themselves to breathe more easily.
Researchers were curious about whether these breathing exercises could improve blood pressure.
So they put it to the test.
The results show that inspiratory muscle strength training is very effective at lowering blood pressure.

These researchers carried out human experiments at the University of Boulder, Colorado. The FASEB Journal published the results.
Inspiratory muscle strength training involves breathing through a device that restricts airflow.
In this study, the participants had a clip on their nose to prevent airflow through the nasal cavities.
Then they sucked air through the mouth through a handheld device that restricts airflow.
The handheld device tailored the amount of airflow restriction to the individual.
The exercise was repeated 30 times – taking about five minutes per day.
The study recruited 13 men and women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s with high blood pressure.
“Thirteen middle-aged and older men and women with resting blood pressure greater than or equal to 120 underwent 6 weeks of training.”
The participants were split into two groups.
Seven people completed the breathing training exercises.
And the remaining six participants carried out sham training. (They went through the process but there was no restriction on their airflow.)
Inspiratory muscle strength training significantly lowered blood pressure.
Systolic blood pressure decreased by an average of 10 points in the training group.
Systolic blood pressure is the first figure given a blood pressure reading. It’s usually the most important number.
In this test, average systolic blood pressure went down from 137 to 127.
“Resting systolic blood pressure was significantly lower after inspiratory muscle strength training.”
There were no improvements in the group who performed the sham exercise.
The researchers concluded that this five-minute breathing exercise was effective at lowering resting blood pressure.
“High-intensity, short-duration inspiratory muscle strength training may be an effective lifestyle-based approach to lower resting systolic blood pressure.”
Increased blood pressure is strongly associated with endothelial dysfunction and stiffening of the arteries.
“The elevated systolic blood pressure is associated with vascular risk factors endothelial dysfunction and stiffening of the large elastic arteries.”
There’s a strong case to be made that these problems are more risky than high blood pressure itself.
The researchers tested the effect of this breathing exercise on endothelial dysfunction and arterial stiffness.
They found that inspiratory muscle strength training also improves vascular endothelial function.
“Training may be an effective lifestyle-based approach to improve vascular endothelial function in people with above-normal blood pressure.”
The benefits and endothelial function were noted on tests measuring the flow-mediated dilation.
Flow-mediated dilation tests the ability of the blood vessels to widen when blood flow increases in the blood vessel.
These tests are extremely predictive of cardiovascular disease.
The breathing exercises improved flow-mediated dilation by a massive 50%.
“Flow-mediated dilation was increased after inspiratory muscle strength training. (6.3 compared to 4.2)”
There were no changes in flow-mediated dilation scores in the other group.
This study proves that just five minutes of these breathing exercises per day are enough to improve blood pressure and lower cardiovascular disease risk.
“High-intensity, short-duration inspiratory muscle strength training represents a novel, time-efficient lifestyle direction that lowers systolic blood pressure.”
The study used a device that is already on the market, namely the Powerbreathe K3.
In this experiment, the device was set to 75% maximum inspiratory pressure.
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about diagnosing and treating any health-related problems.
—-Important Message For Men with High Blood Pressure or Pressure Controlled by Meds—-
New link discovered between the virus and hypertension
Research coming out of Germany, Italy and China show a disturbing trend among people who’ve died from the virus…
Almost all of the dead were hypertensive — meaning they had high blood pressure or were taking medications to control their high blood pressure.
74% of fatalities associated with the virus had hypertension…
And now they’re finding that certain blood pressure medications may make the virus WORSE for men.
This is potentially life-saving information you won’t hear anywhere else.
It could keep you out of the hospital and off dangerous ventilators.