These 4 herbs are scientifically proven to supply the body with nutrients that fix the chemical imbalance behind most men’s erections problems…
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—-Important Message from Jack Grave—-
4 herbs that trigger raging erections in men, no matter how long it’s been
There’s a reason why these 4 herbs work to produce raging erections when nothing else will…
And it’s because these 4 herbs address the REAL problem behind erections problems…
While all the other treatments just put a bandaid over the real issue.
See, these 4 herbs are scientifically proven to supply the body with specific nutrients that fix the chemical imbalance responsible for almost all men’s erections problems…
And this triggers raging erections that lasts 30 minutes or more immediately, without any work on your part.
All you have to do is use these 4 simple herbs… I’ll show you how to get a hold of them for cheap and how much to use…
The best time of day to check your blood pressure — produces the most accurate reading
There are so many problems with the idea that high blood pressure causes health problems.
I firmly believe, based on the evidence, that most of the time high blood pressure is not an issue.
But aside from that, there are also problems with measuring blood pressure.
Many people get anxious around doctors. Anxiety increases blood pressure.
Activity also increases blood pressure.
There are now recommendations that people should be resting for 15 to 25 minutes before a blood pressure reading is taken.
How often does that happen?
It’s also true that blood pressure changes throughout the day and night.
If you are tracking your blood pressure for some reason, you need to take into account all of these factors.
The human research was carried out at Northwick Park Hospital, Watford Road, Harrow, Middlesex in the UK. This paper was published in The Lancet.
The authors of this study wanted to understand all of the factors that could influence variations in blood pressure…
…because if you want to “know your blood pressure,” you need to know when to take it so that there is the least outside influence.
“An understanding of blood-pressure variation should be fundamental to any therapeutic regimen in which the primary aim is to reduce blood-pressure.”
It’s long been known that blood pressure drops significantly during sleep.
But before this study was carried out there was relatively little high -quality data looking at variations in blood pressure throughout the course of the day.
“Since the end of the 19th century, it has been known that blood-pressure falls during sleep. In most instances further data on cyclical changes has been gathered from repeated indirect blood-pressure measurements made either by the patient himself or by nursing staff.”
Even the existing data might well be problematic because of the way that the blood pressure readings had been taken.
“Indirect measurement of blood-pressure is open to considerable error. Moreover this error may be increased by the use of automatic blood-pressure measuring devices.”
Poor readings might explain why some of the existing data seems to give contradictory reports.
“Some studies have suggested that blood-pressure is highest in the morning shortly after waking and then progressively falls throughout the day. However, in others, blood-pressure progressively increased throughout the day..”
To find out more, the researchers carried out a high-quality study.
The study took direct measurements of blood pressure multiple times during the day from healthy people going about their business.
“We have continuously recorded intra-arterial blood- pressure in ambulant outpatients most of whom went to work during the day.”
The researchers took data from people with untreated high blood pressure and in people with “good” blood pressure.
“Continuous intra-arterial blood-pressure and electrocardiogram recordings were obtained in twenty hypertensive and five normotensive ambulant patients.”
The researchers found a clear daily pattern in blood pressure. Blood pressure peaks in mid morning, and then drops off toward the end of the day.
“Blood-pressure was highest mid-morning and then fell progressively throughout the remainder of the day.”
The pattern was the same in those with “normal” and those with “high” blood pressure.
The image above shows just how much difference time of day can make when taking a blood pressure reading.
If you start off taking a reading at 9 AM, and then compare that to a 5 PM reading another day you could be very misled as to what seems to be going on.
The study also confirmed previous findings that blood pressure is lowest during sleep.
“Blood-pressure was lowest at 3 A.M. and began to rise again during the early hours of the morning before waking.”
Time of day is just one of a number of very important factors you need to take into consideration when taking your blood pressure.
Blood pressure is also affected by daily rhythms and any type of stress or activity.
“These findings may have important consequences with regard to the therapeutic management of hypertension.”
You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.
—-Important Message—-
I discovered how to get massive blood flow to the male member.
Weirdly enough, it works for any man, but especially for men who have high blood pressure.
It works by increasing the diameter of the tiny arteries, called arterioles, that feel the blood to the penis.
And it works like gangbusters for any man who wants to have a bigger and better towel hanger for the bedroom.
Here’s the secret to huge engorgement (also lowers men’s blood pressure weirdly enough)