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This $2 fruit may be the revolutionary discovery that cures virtually all infections – and you can be eating it now…yet doctors don’t ever tell you about it
—-Important Message—-
Every woman wanted him – and it was because of this “man juice”…
And even today, a herb lady in Colombia is preparing this “man juice”…
It’s nothing like you have ever seen before… She spends hours gathering the herbs and then she prepares this “man juice” according to ancient practices.
She gives the “man juice” to all the men in her village and every one of them is very large down there and sexually potent well into their 90s.
One of those men is a smuggler and he’s got a 12-inch penis…
I met him as he was playing tennis and he wasn’t discreet about it all.
As we started talking, he told me his story and revealed how he grew his penis and got incredible sexual stamina in the process…
He revealed the secret to the “man juice” recipe that the herb lady makes.
3000 times stronger than antibiotics
There is one fruit in particular that can deliver a surprisingly powerful antifungal effect.
And that is the pineapple:
This fruit contains a very powerful class of enzymes called chitinases…
Those are named for their ability to degrade chitin, a structural component of fungal cell walls.
The purpose of this class of enzymes in plants has been described as a fungal defense.
But some ethnobotanists in the past have explained the presence of bromelain – the pineapple’s protein-degrading enzyme – as a device for breaking down leaves and insects to get their amino acids.
And since chitin is also a structural component of insects (the exoskeleton), the presence of the chitinase class of enzymes can perhaps be explained in the same way.
Chitin is a tough polysaccharide with beta linkages such as cellulose – and is not made by vertebrates at all.
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Surprisingly though, humans do have chitinase enzymes in their blood for destroying fungi.
But the pineapple plant has more chitinases than we humans can produce. And this fact can be exploited to fight Candida.
The proliferation of Candida albicans depends directly on chitin.
Chitin is so essential to Candida overgrowth that treatments have been designed to prevent its synthesis.
The enzyme which makes this component – chitin synthase – is increased fivefold in Candida’s invasive, hyphal (fungal) form.
And it’s only the hyphal form of Candida that is invasive (we all have Candida albicans in its safe, round, yeast form) – see the picture below.
These hyphae can invade the extracellular space of our tissues and then even interconnect with each other, forming a pathological mycorrhizal (symbiotic) network that feeds off our glucose.
And by attacking chitin, we attack Candida’s ability to form hyphae – keeping it in the safe yeast form.
Candida normally divides by using hyphae. The nucleus travels halfway down the tube, replicates, and then splits in two.
At this point, they would normally separate – if in yeast form.
After transformation to the fungal form, Candida will no longer separate off at this point.
This actually defines the transition, as the projections stop being hyphae after the linkage is dissolved.
It always breaks at this segment – and it’s made of chitin.
“…cell separation occurs in yeast cells when the primary septum, which is composed of chitin, is hydrolyzed by septum-degrading enzymes (such as a chitinase encoded by endochitinase 1), leading to separation of the mother and daughter cells.”
Chitin is also found at the tip of the hyphae, the exploratory part that’s always looking for host nutrients to steal.
The hyphal and pathological form uses more chitin to grow:
Chitin is unique to fungi, lobster shells, and the exoskeletons of insects.
Chitin is not normally found in the human body.
But enzymes that specifically degrade chitin (chitinases) are actually found in human macrophage cells and can be released by a few others.
Chitinases are only produced by immune cells, so nobody can really argue that their purpose is defense, especially after they’ve been shown to destroy Candida in the bloodstream:
The human defense chitinase is called chitotriosidase because it breaks down chitin into discrete, 3-glucosamine-long segments.
This enzyme wasn’t discovered until 1994, and it took ten years to prove its antifungal activity directly.
“It may be therefore speculated that human chitotriosidase, in line with the role of homologous plant chitinases, exerts anti-fungal activity. This possibility prompted us to study the potential activity of chitotriosidase towards several chitin-containing fungi.”
These researchers separated the components of human blood until all chitinase activity was accounted for.
Chitinase is found inside macrophages – giant cells which engulf Candida albicans and other fungal invaders to break them down.
And it’s also found in many other immune cells, such as T-cells.
But in T- and B-cells, this enzyme is released on demand only when a fungal invader is sensed.
The cells do this in response to a specific cytokine, a small chemical signal produced by other cells for communication.
Pineapple contains a chitinase.
Although never tested for this specifically, a separate pineapple enzyme – bromelain – has actually been proven to be absorbed intact.
So, besides inhibiting Candida growth in the digestive tract, or just keeping it in check, it could potentially work systemically.
“In peripheral mononuclear [immune] cells, chitotriosidase is found to be stored in the specific granules from which it is released by appropriate stimuli.”
Besides what you could infer about its antifungal purpose within the immune cells, these researchers also showed it directly:
And they even took it one step further: They injected one group of rats with Candida albicans, and then half that group with purified human chitinase – immune cell chitotriosidase.
As you might expect, the rats that were given the enzyme lived much longer.
The rats that didn’t receive the chitinase were all dead after fourteen days:
This could mean that in times of severe infection, the immune system can’t produce enough chitinase to defend the body.
That may be a justification of exogenous chitinase supplementation, which you can get from pineapples.
Or, alternatively, it could be given as bromelain capsules.
Although the word “bromelain” technically refers to one particular enzyme, it is also used to refer to the crude extract.
Crude bromelain – commercial bromelain – is actually a mixture of all the pineapple stem enzymes.
It would be too time-consuming to purify that any further, but also unnecessary.
The stems are left over after the production of pineapple juice.
“This observations made with chitotriosidase are not entirely surprising given the well-documented anti-fungal role of chitinases in plants.”
And crude bromelain provably contains chitinase.
The pineapple plant actually contains three chitinase enzymes…
Two of them are in the fruit, two in the core, and all three in the stem.
Their distribution was fully characterized in 2005:
A Japanese researcher did this the same year it was shown that human chitinase could destroy Candida albicans.
He separated out the entire pineapple plant, and then further separated those fractions into individual enzymes:
Type A chitinase is everywhere in the pineapple plant. But, unfortunately, this is the least effective one.
Type B chitinase is the most effective, but Type C chitinase also has antifungal activity.
This was shown one year earlier by the same researcher:
Since Type B chitinase appears to be the most powerful against fungi, you would expect commercial bromelain tablets – having all stem enzymes – to be more powerful than the actual fruit.
But then again, this was done against a different fungal species… Candida might be more susceptible to Types A and/or C.
“In conclusion, in vitro exposure of chitin-containing fungi to recombinant chitotriosidase results in beneficial effects as revealed by growth inhibition, hyphal tip bursting or prevention of hyphal switch.”
Pineapples do have other benefits – they taste good, they’re high in vitamin C, and they contain farnesol.
Farnesol is another anti-Candida agent. It acts like a hormone to inhibit the yeast-to-hyphal transition.
Avoiding omega−6 fatty acids is also very important, as they can become prostaglandin E₂ within the body.
Multiple experiments have shown that Candida albicans uses prostaglandin E₂ as a growth hormone – and no other.
And, of course, refined carbohydrates can also be problematic – and that includes starch.
Candida albicans has its own amylase enzymes that can break starch down into glucose for energy. (Fungal cultures, in general, are nearly always grown using starch.)
You should see a healthcare professional for treating any infection.
—-Important message—-
Married or single: Women will be touching and stroking your maleness all the time now…
You will find that your wife and even random girls squeezing your biceps…
And the next thing you know, her hand is caressing your penis.
It’s a blast to be developing new muscle…
And, this is kind of weird but it’s true… Men who replace fat with muscle also gain a bulging, fatter, and more defined penis…one that gets long-lasting erections all the time and every time…
Not only is your body becoming more and more defined, your penis is also looking much bigger and stronger than it was!
And it will be getting a LOT of use LOL.
Click here to get those defined muscles and rigid erections without breaking a sweat.

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