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If you’re feeling stressed – you may be experiencing sign No.2
——Important Message——-
How I lowered my estrogen levels and got my erections back…
My lab test came back with high estrogen – the feminine hormone.
So I wanted to reduce it.
Because reducing estrogen is EXCELLENT for men’s erections…and it lets a man’s testosterone increase to the max.
How can we reduce estrogen?
And so losing fat is THE way to reduce estrogen, so I decided to lose a bit of fat…
But the way most guys go about losing fat is WRONG…they end up LOWERING their testosterone and INCREASING their estrogen.
That’s because fat cells dump estrogen into the bloodstream.
So losing fat the WRONG way causes metabolic harm. And that makes it more and more difficult to keep the pounds off, and that will RUIN your sexual performance.
Fortunately, I knew how to lose fat while INCREASING my testosterone…
3 signs that your body is begging for more magnesium
Magnesium is essential for hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body.
And a magnesium deficiency can magnify the dangerous effects of stress.
The Journal of the American College of Nutrition published this illuminating review article.
Humans experience two types of stress…
The first is immediate acute stress – e.g. being chased by a dog or narrowly avoiding a car accident.
The second is longer-term chronic stress – e.g. money worries or dietary deficiencies.
The body releases the same stress chemicals under both types of stress.
And those are catecholamines (such as adrenaline) and corticosteroids (such as cortisol).
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Both adrenaline and cortisol give us an immediate energy boost.
They both help us to deal with acute stress very well…and they are excellent responses to immediate threats in our environment…
Because they improve our reflexes and our response time.
However, cortisol and adrenaline are degenerative.
They steal resources from the body…and eat away at valuable muscle protein.
During long periods of chronic stress, adrenaline and cortisol cause chronic disease when their levels are elevated.
This study found that magnesium deficiency and chronic stress together…
…increase the risk of many common diseases, including heart disease and heart attack.
“When magnesium deficiency exists, stress paradoxically increases the risk of cardiovascular damage – including hypertension, brain and heart constriction and occlusion, arrhythmias, and sudden heart attack death.”
Increase in blood pressure is a basic response to stress caused by catecholamines such as adrenaline.
These basic stress responses become more dangerous when we are deficient in magnesium.
The study found that high intakes of fat or an imbalance of calcium and magnesium can make things worse – especially under stress.
“Dietary imbalances such as high intakes of fat and/or calcium can intensify magnesium inadequacy, especially under conditions of stress.”
Under stress, catecholamines such as adrenaline quickly liberate stored fatty tissue for use as energy.
This stress response depletes magnesium.
“Adrenergic stimulation of lipolysis can intensify its deficiency by complexing magnesium with liberated fatty acids.”
The analysis also showed that low levels of magnesium relative to calcium led to an increased release of catecholamines such as adrenaline.
This then leads to lower magnesium levels in the heart.
“A low magnesium to calcium ratio increases release of catecholamines (adrenaline), which lowers tissue (i.e. heart) magnesium levels.”
When stress is high and magnesium is low (relative to calcium), the blood vessels tend to tighten and the blood becomes sticky.
“It also favors excess release or formation of factors that are vasoconstrictive and platelet aggregating; a high calcium to magnesium ratio also directly favors blood coagulation.”
The mobilization of fat due to adrenaline when magnesium is low could lead to an increased risk of clotting.
Under stress, magnesium protects against catecholamines such as adrenaline.
Magnesium protects the heart and the blood circulation system in general.
“Activation of catecholamines yields free radicals, which explains the enhancement of the protective effect of magnesium by antioxidant nutrients against heart damage caused by stress hormones.”
Chronic or acute stress from any cause creates dangerous changes in biochemistry.
Different levels of magnesium can affect these changes negatively or positively.
“Stress, whether physical (i.e. exertion, heat, cold, trauma – accidental or surgical, burns), or emotional (pain, anxiety, excitement, or depression) increases the need for magnesium.”
Stress is unavoidable, though we can take measures to minimize chronic stress in our lives.
Magnesium is a primary anti-stress nutrient.
Diets should be analyzed for their magnesium content to make sure that people are getting enough magnesium.
Magnesium supplementation is useful.
But it can cause side effects such as diarrhea when you take too much at once.
It is a good idea to get as much magnesium as possible from your diet and supplement the remainder – while keeping other minerals in balance.
Magnesium is a useful tool in the fight against chronic diseases caused by stress.
You should see a doctor if you suspect any heart problems or degenerative disorders.
—-Curious? Keep reading (important message)—-
The problem is that magnesium is difficult to get enough of in today’s diet.
That’s in part because our soils have become depleted.
And because we depend too much on over-processed foods.
To top it off, it’s difficult for a body with a low metabolism to absorb magnesium.
Think of it like a person who becomes energized by exercise, but he’s just too tired to get up and do cardio in the first place.
He remains tired.
It’s the same with magnesium absorption – so a magnesium deficiency tends to lead to more magnesium deficiency.
But if you warm up and speed up your metabolism you suddenly have enough energy and gumption to absorb magnesium…
You will not need those naps anymore…and you can stay up late with beautiful girls and never get tired.
And yes, you’ll find that you have new sexual energy too.
Here’s how you turn a low and slow metabolism into a fast, youthified metabolism.

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