1 secret that makes naughty film stars stay rocky and last forever

Steal this secret and use it to your own advantage

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—-Important Message From Steven Williams—-

#1 secret that makes naughty film stars stay rocky and last forever

If you are looking to make it bigger without Big Pharma.. without pills, creams, oils, etc…

If you are looking to retrain your body and mind to not finish early…

If you are looking to last longer and perform like you (and she) have always dreamed…

Even if you are a little less rocky than before… or not rocky at all..

…this will bring you back to the legend you used to be or perhaps always dreamt of being…

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Better than that, it will give you the power and the position to make her the most satisfied woman in the world.

So if you’re looking to make it bigger and thicker naturally, last as long as you want to, be as stiff as steel and give her the show she deserves…

…then THIS is for you… 


Boosting T this way naturally burns up fat

There’s been a lot of debate about the risks and benefits of testosterone supplementation in the last few years.

It’s true that you can do testosterone the wrong way…

…by taking too much or ignoring other factors which lead to the conversion of testosterone into estrogen – which does cause health problems.

But testosterone itself is purely beneficial.

Particularly in older, overweight and obese men.

We have learned that obesity and low testosterone are intricately intertwined.

Long-term research shows that testosterone can keep weight down – decreasing body fat, waist circumference and body mass index.

Not only that, but over the long term, overweight and obese men over the age of 50 are far, far less likely to die from any cause when their testosterone levels are optimised.

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The human research was carried out by scientists at Bayer, Gulf Medical in UAE and at Boston University. The paper was published in the International Journal of Obesity.

“Obesity is a chronic disease, warranting long-term medical intervention.”

The research was investigating the interplay between age, obesity and low testosterone.

“We evaluated effects of testosterone therapy in men with testosterone deficiency with normal weight, overweight and obesity on anthropometric and metabolic parameters, compared with untreated men.”

The researchers recruited over 800 men with low testosterone (hypogonadal) for a long-term study.

“Hypogonadal men with low total T (age: 60.6 ± 7.0 years) participated in an ongoing registry study. Among these men 58% were obese and 35% overweight.”

About half of the men decided to go on testosterone therapy.

But all of the men were tracked over the next few years.

“Testosterone undecanoate injections were administered to 428 men and 395 remained untreated.”

The researchers took repeated blood tests to look for any metabolic changes – as well as carrying out numerous (anthropomorphic) body measurements.

“Anthropometric and metabolic parameters were measured at least twice a year and changes adjusted for confounding factors to account for baseline differences between groups.”

Testosterone led to a reduction in body weight and BMI.

But most importantly in terms of weight and measure, waist size was reduced.

Belly fat – particularly the fat around the organs – is the most important physical measurement of long-term health.

This is why reducing waist size is so beneficial.

“Long-term testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men, irrespective of weight at baseline, produced improvements in body weight, waist circumference and body mass index (BMI)”.

Fasting blood sugar was reduced and the researchers found a long-term improvement in blood sugar and lipids in men taking testosterone.

“Testosterone therapy decreased fasting blood glucose and HbA1c and improved lipid profiles.”

Blood pressure decreased – something seen in other studies too.

“Gradual decreases in blood pressure and pulse pressure occurred in men treated with testosterone in each group.”

There was a significant decrease in major cardiovascular problems and in overall deaths.

“Marked reductions in mortality and major cardiovascular events were recorded in men receiving testosterone therapy.”

Death from any cause was reduced by about 70%…

This was over the course of 11 years in overweight and obese men over 50 who took well supervised testosterone therapy.

“There were 19.5% deaths in the untreated groups and 5.5% in the T-groups.”

When done properly there are profound health benefits to optimizing your testosterone levels.

The sicker and fatter you are, the more potential upside there is to careful testosterone replacement.

“Based on these findings we suggest that long-term testosterone therapy in overweight and obese hypogonadal men produces progressive and sustained clinically meaningful weight loss.”

Most importantly, testosterone can massively reduce cardiovascular events and overall causes of death in men in their 50s and 60s.

“Testosterone therapy may contribute to reductions in mortality and incident major adverse cardiovascular events.”

You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.

—-Important Message About Keeping T High—-

Think you need testosterone? Don’t do anything until you read this…

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Once a man begins getting medical testosterone — his body down-regulates its natural production.

Plus, the testosterone gets turned into estrogen, the feminine hormone that grows breasts and damages a man’s libido further.

So now, the man’s body stops producing its own testosterone naturally and it turns a big part of the fake testosterone into estrogen.

The man needs more and more fake testosterone, but that means more estrogen…

…and soon it all becomes a downward spiral for the man’s libido and performance.

So now, knowing all this…

…the only thing left is to figure out how to naturally raise testosterone…


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Differential effects of 11 years of long-term injectable testosterone undecanoate therapy on anthropometric and metabolic parameters in hypogonadal men with normal weight, overweight and obesity in comparison with untreated controls: real-world data from a controlled registry studyhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32060355/