Are you taking this?
Matt Cook here, and not all supplements are harmless as some companies will have you believe.
Some supplements can have dangerous interactions with treatments you’re taking from the doc…
And most bottles won’t have a warning label.
That’s why you should always ask your doctor before taking anything new.
And you should also look into it yourself if you can and have the time — it may end up saving your life!
Here’s a few popular OTC remedies and dietary supplements that can have potentially lethal side effects for some men — please check your bottles for me…
—-Important Message From Bill Grant—-
Scientists have discovered a simple and easy “brain hack” to almost instantly reverse arousal problems…
Contrary to what your doctor has told you, getting rocky has nothing to do with testosterone levels or anxiety…
And it’s not a blood flow problem either…
However, new science does reveal your brain has a “control switch” that determines whether you get stiff — or suffer from embarrassing limpness.
And inside this short controversial video, you’ll discover a new approach to immediately enhance your rockiness…
…while increasing stamina, duration, and fullness practically on demand.
1 in 5 men are taking this bad supplement
Lots of people who have heart conditions take treatments called anticoagulants.
These are treatments that are given to folks who have atrial fibrillation with the goal of decreasing the risk of having a stroke.
There are other ways to deal with afib that are probably more effective, but that’s an article for another day.
These anticoagulant treatments are also known as blood thinners.
And they are sold under the brand names of Eliquis and Xarelto.
Warfarin used to be the most commonly recommended blood thinner…
…but these newer treatments are considered safer and easier to manage by most medical professionals.
I’m not sure new treatments are always as safe as they claim, but that’s the reason they say they are given more.
Even though they are “safer,” they still have some serious potential interactions with other treatments that you NEED to know about if you are taking these.
One of the things that blood thinners do is increase your risk of bleeding.
So you need to be careful when taking them so that you don’t take other things that can increase your risk of bleeding even more.
This can cause potentially life threatening complications, so it’s worth paying attention to.
There are a bunch of different herbs and OTC treatments that can increase bleeding risk if you are taking anticoagulants.
The include:
- Chinese herbs
- Ginger
- Ginkgo biloba
- Herbal teas
- St. John’s wort
- Turmeric
- Aspirin
The challenge is that many people who take blood thinners aren’t aware of these interactions…
And if they are, they don’t know how dangerous they can be.
A full 33% of people took at least 1 product with their blood thinners that could potentially cause excessive bleeding.
Almost all respondents (n=771; 97.5%) reported OTC product use. Thirty-three percent (n=266) took at least 1 OTC product with potentially serious apixaban interactions daily/most days and 53 (6.7%) took multiple products (mean=2.6 [SD=2.6]).
Many people took aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen – all of which can increase the chance of bleeding with blood thinners.
Aspirin was taken daily by 116 (14.7%; of which 75 (64.7%) also consumed other potentially interacting OTC products), and some days/as needed by an additional 82 (10.4%). Ibuprofen and naproxen were taken daily/most days by 14 (1.8%) and occasionally by 225 (28.5%).
About one in five people on blood thinners took a potentially problematic dietary supplement.
Dietary supplements with potentially serious interactions were taken daily/most days by 160 (20.2%).
And two out of three people were either incorrect or uncertain about potential interactions with herbs, NSAIDS, and other OTC products.
About 66% of respondents were either uncertain or incorrect about the potential for increased bleeding from combining NSAIDs and apixaban.
If you are on blood thinners, then it’s a VERY good idea to familiarize yourself with the OTC and Rx treatments that can interact with the blood thinners.
These can cause a higher risk of bleeding, so you should avoid those things or talk to your doctor about your risk.
Of course, don’t go off blood thinners without talking to your doctor first.
This isn’t medical advice and is for information purposes only.
Ultimately, it’s your health, and it’s up to you to educate yourself.
Your doctor may not think to tell you about these potentially dangerous interactions.
—-Important Message for Men on Blood Thinners—-
How to get off the blood thinners with your doctor’s blessing
When a family member had to go on blood thinners, I was worried about the side effects…
So I did some research and found this alternative that works just as good if not better than blood thinners.
In fact, even the doctor was happy with it — and he couldn’t argue against the results.
And you may also find it helpful to ask your doctor about this natural alternative — so I’ve put information about it on page 180 of my book.
Have you gotten your free copy yet?
Just go here before all my free copies are gone — comes with $600+ worth of bonus gifts if you hurry!