This exercise does more harm than good
Hey, Matt Cook here, and not all forms of exercise are actually that healthy for you as a man.
I know we’re told by every so-called expert under the sun that any form of exercise is amazing…
…but that’s just not true.
There’s 1 particular exercise I’ve found that’s actually harmful for men and I’ll show you a better replacement exercise you may enjoy even more…
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—-Important Message—-
Is your toothpaste tanking your testosterone?
You’re brushing your teeth, thinking you’re doing something good for your health.
But little do you know, the very toothpaste you’re using could be the reason your testosterone levels are plummeting.
It’s a shocking truth that many men don’t realize.
The commercial toothpaste you see on every shelf is loaded with fluoride, and studies have shown that this sneaky substance is linked to low T in men.
And when the testosterone levels decrease, men often find themselves struggling with low energy…
…a lackluster libido, and even trouble performing in the bedroom.
But here’s the good news…
Men don’t have to let fluoride rob them of their manhood anymore.
I’ve discovered a natural way to get healthy, white teeth without causing a cascade of problems in your T levels.
It’s all part of my Magic Teeth Transformation, where I work with men 1-on-1 to help them reclaim their oral health and white teeth naturally and as quickly as possible.
Men who have joined so far are watching their teeth get healthier day by day, and they’re even noticing their low T symptoms fading away.
That’s the power of the Magic Teeth Transformation. And I want you to experience it for yourself today – just click here.
1 exercise men should avoid
Matt Cook here, and it’s not up for debate – exercising is SUPER healthy for men.
Here’s what exercise does for men:
- Improves cardiovascular health: Regular exercise can help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.
- Increases muscle mass: As men age, they tend to lose muscle mass, which can lead to weakness and frailty. Exercise can help you with that.
- Improves mental health: Exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
- Improves balance and coordination: Regular exercise can help older men maintain their balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls.
- Improving sleep: Exercise can enhance sleep quality by making you fall asleep quickly. It also increases deep sleep.
- Improving sexual function: Regular exercise can improve your erections and libido, making you perform better in bed.
- Strengthening bones: Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, and weightlifting, can help slow down the bone loss that occurs with age.
These are great, of course, and should make you want to exercise.
Not every exercise is the same.
Some types of exercise may be very healthy for you, while others may not be.
Some may even do you more harm than good – especially if you are over a certain age.
Today we’re going to focus on one of the benefits I mentioned above.
The relationship between bone health and exercise.
As we age, our bones start to weaken, and the importance of keeping them strong increases.
So what types of exercise are good for that?
Let’s see…
This study was conducted at the University of Minnesota. It was published in Special Populations.
Endurance exercise, also known as cardio, is any type of physical activity that increases the heart rate and breathing for an EXTENDED period of time.
Basically, long cardio.
According to this study, the repetitive nature of endurance training puts a lot of stress on the bones.
This causes the minerals in the bones to decrease, which lowers the Bone Mineral Density (BMD).
The researchers measured the BMD of hundreds of athletes from many different disciplines.
They found that endurance athletes have lower BMD scores than other athletes.
“Adolescents and adults who participate in endurance sports, such as running, and non-weight-bearing sports, such as biking and swimming, often have a lower bone mineral density (BMD) than athletes participating in ball and power sports, and sometimes their BMD is lower than their inactive peers.”
And what does a low score lead to?
WEAK bones.
“Low BMD increases the risk of stress and fragility fractures, both while an athlete is actively competing and later in life.”
As I said, the nature of prolonged and repetitive cardio is not suitable for the bones.
“However inherent differences in bone-loading characteristics and energy expenditure during participation in endurance sports place many endurance athletes at a relative disadvantage with regard to bone health compared with other athletes.”
You should avoid long periods of strenuous cardio to avoid bone problems, especially in later life.
Instead, do exercises that are good for your bones.
For example:
- Weight-lifting
- Hiking
- Yoga and Tai-Chi
- HIIT Cardio (shorts burst of cardio)
With that said, remember how adequate nutrition, calcium, and vitamin D/K2 are also needed for strong bones.
—-Important Message—-
Exercising this way skyrocketed my testosterone levels by 156%
Are you tired of dragging yourself to the gym day after day…
…feeling frustrated and demotivated by NOT seeing tangible results?
It’s because mainstream exercise techniques are literally killing men’s T…
But with my Effortless Exercise techniques, my blood levels of testosterone jumped from 276 ng/dl to 706 ng/dl…
A 156% increase…
And right away, I start experiencing a revved up metabolism… turbocharged energy levels… more muscle mass… stronger bones…
…basically, I transformed myself… effortlessly.
==> Check out my Effortless Exercise Transformation — and discover why this discovery is practically unheard of in America.