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Men as young as 40 have sarcopenia and don’t even know it…
—-Important Message—-
There are men living in remote corners of the world who smoke tobacco all day, have sex with their wives – and they’re over 90 years old…
I have visited these men and I was shocked when I learned their secret…
…and found the secret easily attainable to men in the west.
There is an aging disease that can keep us from doing the simplest tasks as we age…
…things like climbing the stairs or carrying groceries to the car.
It’s a little-publicized disease called sarcopenia.
Up to 50% of people over the age of 80 have it, and it can start as young as age 40.
Very few doctors talk about it, even though it’s completely reversible. Which is CRAZY.
And that’s why I’m going to tell you about it and the SIMPLE things you can do to prevent sarcopenia from landing you in a nursing home.
What is sarcopenia?
Sarcopenia is the loss of lean muscle mass as we age.
And it happens to at least half the population with devastating consequences.
Dr. John E. Morley, geriatrician at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, wrote in the journal Family Practice:
“Sarcopenia can be considered for muscle what osteoporosis is to bone…”
Because with the loss of muscle mass comes the loss of the strength you need to do daily tasks.
Basic things like carrying groceries or cleaning your house can be impacted.
And that’s not the worst of it.
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Sarcopenia is also associated with lots of other chronic diseases.
“Sarcopenia is associated with a number of chronic diseases, increasingly worse insulin resistance, fatigue, falls and, alas, death.”
And, while the muscle loss of sarcopenia is associated with age, it can also be aggravated and made worse by other factors as well.
“Other contributing factors include hormonal changes, chronic illness, body-wide inflammation, and poor nutrition.”
Did you see that? Body-wide inflammation causes muscle loss in older adults.
This kind of inflammation is common to every chronic disease. It keeps your body systems from working properly.
Doctors aren’t telling their patients about this condition.
I’m not sure if it’s because the main treatment for sarcopenia is something that isn’t a Big Pharma product or if doctors just don’t know about it.
But… for whatever reason, doctors aren’t telling their patients about sarcopenia, how much it can impact their independence, or what they can do about it.
“…few practicing physicians alert their older patients to this condition and tell them how to slow or reverse what is otherwise an inevitable decline that can seriously impair their physical and emotional well-being and ability to carry out the tasks of daily life.”
The good news is that you CAN completely reverse the muscle loss of sarcopenia.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in your 40s or your 90s, you don’t have to live with muscle loss.
“…no matter how old or out of shape you are, you can restore much of the strength you already lost. Dr. Moffat noted that research documenting the ability to reverse the losses of sarcopenia – even among nursing home residents in their 90s – has been in the medical literature for 30 years, and the time is long overdue to act on it.”
To restore lost muscle, you need to do weight bearing exercise.
Free weights and weight machines work great for this. So do resistance bands.
According to Dr. Maria A. Fiatarone and colleagues at the Tufts research center:
“…eight weeks of ‘high-intensity resistance training’ significantly enhanced the physical abilities of nine frail nursing home residents aged 90 and older. Strength gains averaged 174 percent, mid-thigh muscle mass increased 9 percent, and walking speed improved 48 percent.”
If you want to age well, then you have to take charge of your health.
Resistance training can really help you to keep your muscle mass and reverse the damage of sarcopenia so that you can stay healthy and independent as long as possible.
—–Important Message—–
Weird method: Building muscles – without exercise
I found a way to turn a beer belly into muscle.
It works because the mitochondria start shuttling fat away – and turning that into high-quality protein.
And the protein feeds new muscle fibers.
Result? No more belly – but strong muscles throughout your body.
It is quite possible for men to become lean and fit, literally without exercise.
If you are interested in this method – you should know that it requires a 45-second activity you MUST do every day.
It isn’t low-calorie. It’s not fasting. And it isn’t low-fat.
In fact, you can eat as much as you want, so long as you do this 45-second activity EVERY DAY.
One huge benefit of this unique 45-second activity is that it increases male androgens – including testosterone.
More muscles. More testosterone. AND better erections.

Preventing Muscle Loss as We Age
Ever heard of Sarcopenia? It is not as horrible as it sounds, but most people above the age of 60 are susceptible to it.
Sarcopenia is the gradual loss of muscle mass over time. It is a natural progression of old age. But not many are aware of this condition. Similarly like osteoporosis, Sarcopenia reduces the tensile strength and the strength of the muscles, thus affecting the ability to perform everyday activities. Where Osteoporosis affects the bones, Sarcopenia affects the ligaments of the muscles and worsens with age.
According to the International osteoporosis foundation, the reduction in muscle mass usually starts after the age of 50. This can result in the inability to do simple tasks like walking or running very difficult.
Since muscle fibers start degenerating, a person is not able to garner the necessary strength to use his limbs.
So what causes sarcopenia?
Sarcopenia is usually considered a natural outcome of old age. With age, the natural ability of the body to build proteins which the muscle cells need to grow decreases. This leads to a reduction in strength among the existing muscle cells.
Testosterone reduction is a factor that can affect the development of the Muscle cells in the body. Usually, people who have a sedentary lifestyle are more susceptible to sarcopenia. Those who don't move much or have desk jobs are usually found to suffer from muscle problems that can cause early sprains and muscle tear and wear.
Poor nutrition and diet can also be a cause for sarcopenia. Nutrition is so important that it can play a major role in how fast the muscle decline happens in mature adults. Eating and sustaining the needed protein needs of the body is very important in this case. Some research studies show that as much as 40% of people take less protein than what is recommended for them.
Inflammation can also cause Sarcopenia. Especially with Chronic diseases, the natural ability of the muscle cells to repair and rebuild gets affected.This can result in muscle loss over time. Some examples of these conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and chronic infections like Tuberculosis.
Severe stress has also been found to cause loss of muscle mass. Stress in the body caused by specific ailments like Cancer or Chronic kidney disease can affect the natural muscle development of the body. Over 20% of people who suffer from chronic heart disease are affected by high levels of stress.
Some of the symptoms of Sarcopenia might include a substantial decrease in muscle size over time and the inability to walk smoothly. Sprains and muscle chasms may occur when doing daily activities.
So what is the cure for Sarcopenia?
Daily activity and exercise is the best cure for this condition. A daily regimen of exercise helps the body to activate the muscle cells, boosting blood flow and aids in the growth of the muscle cells. Certain muscle strengthening activities like weight training and resistance training are very important here. These activities can help improve muscle strength and tone.
Strength training helps to increase the muscle expansion and contraction which helps to increase the strength of the muscle cells. The second aspect which needs attention is the right diet and nutrition. Medical experts recommend a daily regimen of 1.1 – 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of the body weight.
Do you know that simple changes to your daily habits like starting a daily exercise regimen and eating a balanced diet can essentially reverse sarcopenia?
Some good sources of protein are poultry, beans, lentils, and organic dairy products. Seafood such as trout and salmon are very good too. Increasing protein intake can also be coupled with increasing the creatinine levels of the body. This can be aided by supplements. One should also pay attention to boosting the vitamin D levels of the body since it plays an important role in muscle growth and strength improvement.
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